
Woah double back
I flip through the pages
I turn them back
I think I missed the best part

Woah no turn around
I’m going way too fast
My stamina won’t last
Spirit is fading fast.

Oh come on, just now what?
You say I missed a spot?
How could I when it’s one big grey blot?
I’m not catastrophising.

Just how can I be like that
When I’m fading so fast
I’m here for now but stay I’ll not.
I am accelerating.

I am emphreal.


Grounded Nature

Every now and then I forget why I’m here. Nothing can matter if you have no fears. Anytime I feel the earth under my feet, I’m reminded of grounded nature. The sound and the beats of leafs. The hum and whistle-whir of engines in the street. The daily meet and greet of walking-onward’s. Burn it use it but never waste it. Too many do; I walk in the forest instead. Connected through my limbs to the ground and transcending with sight beyond bounds. I discard thoughts of absolution. I will never find solace in retribution. Yet, I may find resolution here. Down and ground and twists and earth-made-rock-steps traversed only by large bounds, upside down, hanging without a sound the pale oak-cast shadows that drown, over the lake that speaks in tongues which confound those who never look around.

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Twisting, diving, spinning and turning. Watching the flow drift and soar, weaving patterns of worlds up in the air. Energy that warps, bends, has no end. Like a lucid dream that never wakes. Water silently roaring, cascading down, falling into the deep abyss below.

Under the earth where the water falls is a lake of emotion. The limestone walls are of lies and pains. It flows into a steam of time through the tunnels of direction. Sight leads to the left and an endless fall. Collapse. The right leads past the walls and outside, and can only be traversed with word. Empathy.

Outside the trees grow tall, the energy spirals and the stream flows between them all, into another lake. Ripples form on the surface and meet. Scatter. Converge. Waters meet as one lake, one mind. Time ends. The winds pick up suddenly. A storm carries droplets into the grass where they sink back down into the earth. Cycle.


This is a world of many rains.
Of pouring downs and flooded street-drains.
I had stopped hearing the cities call.
In the woods I found a misting fall
The water decent down like walls.

Down into a slow creek that became a surging stream.
The stream moved on and flowed to a river.
The river surged, gaining power.

I pondered why the water below
the falls somehow moved so slow.

I wanted to be like the water.


I know it’s not the time or place
but I stopped and resolve stumbled when I saw your face
something about it made it shine so clear
that I have so much to do before I disappear.

My ears have yet to stop hearing the sound.
Those voices that tell me I have long to go.
I will keep walking along this road
until your heart turns so shallow.

This is not the way for me
I need to find some kind of sympathy
These pillars of life no longer throw light,
they only throw shadows.

Tremors and trembling tributes to things I once thought.
All of these artifacts of things that I sought,
of goals with half-hearted meaning and places I never wanted to go.
How was I ever to know?

A class ring, a medal, a broken CD.
A stone from the river and a handful of earth.
A diploma of worth, on the back I wrote out how I would no longer be.
I wanted to disappear.
Your visage stopped me here.

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