
A Projection On Paper story revision by Zachary Storch

My father taught me the way of the blade. He said the most important thing to remember was why he taught me. He taught me so I would learn when to use it. He started with wooden sticks that he threw into the air. He showed me how he cut them such that they would split into eight pieces before landing onto the ground. I cut them once only.

The next day my father took me out to the river. He placed his blade into the stream and showed me how his blade cut the water and any leaf or twig that touched the edge of his weapon. I asked him why he did this, and he said it was to show the power and danger of the sword. We slashed at flying sticks again the next day. I cut one twice.

Eventually he taught me to hunt. There were wolves outside of town. I asked him what the wolves had done. He told me that they had pillaged chickens and grain. I took that as moral and a reason to use a sword. Thieves deserved the sword. We exterminated them.

In time it was sticks again. I cut one four times, but it was only a fluke. The rest I could only cut three. Father cut them all eight.

He sparred with me, too. He decided to use live blades. With restraint and precision, he scraped my arm and it bled badly. Father stopped then. When he lowered his blade I cut him back. I expected him to be angry, but he applauded me.

I grew older, and my skill had improved. Six times I cut the sticks. Father only cut them five. He still taught me, though now I knew I was the stronger. I would always learn from him.

Bandits attacked and pillaged town. I decided to go to their camp. Father came with me. I found six bandits, and I cut them all down. Then we encountered a woman. I raised my sword. She held her hands up and cried for me to stop. Father urged me the same, claimed she was innocent, that she was just one of their wives. She drew a small dagger from her belt as he talked. I turned my blade upon my father. I cut him down, then swung back at the woman and she fell with him.

I returned home.


Author’s Note: A revision of Pedagogy. I think this story has potential, but it’s still a little rough. It’s quite a bit better now like this.

Taking stuff for granted

I’ve been miserable and sick these past handful of days. At first it was just an ordinary sinus infection, now my gums hurt so badly that eating has become hard. I’ve always claimed to be someone who doesn’t take anything for granted. I never considered that eating (as in, not having food to eat, but being capable of the very process of placing food in my mouth, chewing, and swallowing) was something I could lose.

In a week (hopefully) when I can eat again without pain, I’m going to have to remember to not take it for granted.

First Anniversary

Today marks Projection on Paper’s first full year of running! This last year I accomplished a lot, with the blog and outside of it. I’ve completed my first novel and am well into my second’s development. By writing both here and in my novels, my skills have improved dramatically in the last year.

It took a long time to even decide what I really wanted this blog to be, but I think I’ve settled on it being my sort of “Author’s Website and Blog”. I have every intention to be famous someday, and when I am, this blog will be a lot of fun to look back on. I also have every intention to keep it going until then and concurrently! This blog will hopefully see many more anniversaries. The post count is going to get pretty high too…

I’ve had two-hundred-thirty plus posts in the last year, meaning I’ve averaged more than a post every other day. I want to highlight a handful of posts that accounts for only a very small portion of what I’ve written here, posts that have not necessarily been highlighted before in month posts or the highlights section. Illusion, Grounded Nature, God Complex, Observers, EphemeralMediocrity, Sixteen Hour Lullaby, Trance End, Trying to Stay the Same, Flame, Iris of Silver, Perfect Polypolar, and Happenstance.

I have a couple more posts for today, too. I’m including them here because I wanted this to be all “multi-content”-ish but reposting them so they are seperately searchable. Check them out! Happy Birthday, Projections on Paper!


Wisdom listen hearing the whisper
Be strong, direct
And never look em in the eye
Waiting raging
Smiling a frown
Happy day
Hello you say
Follow me away this way

Ice cream light rays put your beams on high
Be brave, resolved
And try to step over the line
Tables chairs
Waiting around inside
Take a pic
Retrace your luck
Over-caffeinated bluff

Sleep fall deep before the darkness comes
Be calm, move on
And know the self denies
Winter blitz
Salt lands in the eye
Wake at dawn
Completely wrong
Embrace the destiny along

Ice Castles

These are from two days ago but I wanted to post them because I never did and they turned out pretty well. Down at the Mall of America there’s this awesome ice castle, still there for the next eight days if it doesn’t melt. It pretty much takes it’s own great photos.

ice ice2 ice3 ice4



Wisdom listen hearing the whisper
Be strong, direct
And never look em in the eye
Waiting raging
Smiling a frown
Happy day
Hello you say
Follow me away this way

Ice cream light rays put your beams on high
Be brave, resolved
And try to step over the line
Tables chairs
Waiting around inside
Take a pic
Retrace your luck
Over-caffeinated bluff

Sleep fall deep before the darkness comes
Be calm, move on
And know the self denies
Winter blitz
Salt lands in the eye
Wake at dawn
Completely wrong
Embrace the destiny along