Projection On Paper


I’ve decided to put this here as an introduction/explanation to this blog. If you’ve seen it before, scroll down to the good stuff! This is a dump site for poetry and occasional stories, most of which are experimental in nature (if you’re looking for my author/novel website, click here to visit!) There’s a lot of content here, and I only consider some of it to be any good (and a small number of works to be exceptional), but quality has never been the goal of this website. Just writing is healthy, and this site is a way for me to write regularly and share it with those who might want to see it. This blog has been running since early 2012, and I’ve changed a lot since then in my style of writing. Much of the early things here I feel belong in the aforementioned “dump” that this website serves as, but I’d rather leave them there for my own and other’s pleasure.

Also, a brief note about my poetry. I don’t consider myself a poet (or at least it’s not what I pride myself on), but I enjoy writing poetry. 99.99% of the time the word “I” does not refer to Zachary Storch in any way shape or form–I write characters in poems. None of these are about me. I’m comfortable sharing piles of poems on the internets–but if you want to use one somewhere please click here and contact me.

As for the stories on this site: I’m an novelist, so I can’t exactly post all my best stuff here on the internet. There really isn’t a story here I consider to be outstanding (I truly am my own worst critic, however). But I have a few here still, because I enjoy creating and sharing what I can.

The “Life Captures” as I have dubbed them are an experiment in photography/video. Some of them end up profound, others leave you scratching your head, but they’re interesting. 

For more about the concept behind this blog, click here.

First Anniversary

Today marks Projection on Paper’s first full year of running! This last year I accomplished a lot, with the blog and outside of it. I’ve completed my first novel and am well into my second’s development. By writing both here and in my novels, my skills have improved dramatically in the last year.

It took a long time to even decide what I really wanted this blog to be, but I think I’ve settled on it being my sort of “Author’s Website and Blog”. I have every intention to be famous someday, and when I am, this blog will be a lot of fun to look back on. I also have every intention to keep it going until then and concurrently! This blog will hopefully see many more anniversaries. The post count is going to get pretty high too…

I’ve had two-hundred-thirty plus posts in the last year, meaning I’ve averaged more than a post every other day. I want to highlight a handful of posts that accounts for only a very small portion of what I’ve written here, posts that have not necessarily been highlighted before in month posts or the highlights section. Illusion, Grounded Nature, God Complex, Observers, EphemeralMediocrity, Sixteen Hour Lullaby, Trance End, Trying to Stay the Same, Flame, Iris of Silver, Perfect Polypolar, and Happenstance.

I have a couple more posts for today, too. I’m including them here because I wanted this to be all “multi-content”-ish but reposting them so they are seperately searchable. Check them out! Happy Birthday, Projections on Paper!


Wisdom listen hearing the whisper
Be strong, direct
And never look em in the eye
Waiting raging
Smiling a frown
Happy day
Hello you say
Follow me away this way

Ice cream light rays put your beams on high
Be brave, resolved
And try to step over the line
Tables chairs
Waiting around inside
Take a pic
Retrace your luck
Over-caffeinated bluff

Sleep fall deep before the darkness comes
Be calm, move on
And know the self denies
Winter blitz
Salt lands in the eye
Wake at dawn
Completely wrong
Embrace the destiny along

Ice Castles

These are from two days ago but I wanted to post them because I never did and they turned out pretty well. Down at the Mall of America there’s this awesome ice castle, still there for the next eight days if it doesn’t melt. It pretty much takes it’s own great photos.

ice ice2 ice3 ice4


100th Post!

This is my 100th Projection On Paper blog post published! Over the last four months I have updated Projections On Paper at least once every two days with short stories, spontaneous rants (many of which I have received great feedback on), poems, video photography in the form of “Life Captures“, a small handful of more personal posts (I have sworn off of caffeinated beverages after that hospital trip…) and more. I have no intention of slowing down anytime soon, because, and I have said this before and I will again, a world in motion stays in motion. You can either keep running or let it leave you behind.

I wanted to do something special for this post. At first I wanted to update my favicon with an updated logo. After toying around with it, I decided against updating the favicon; the words would not show up well. However, I have decided to make the below the new official logo of It will be posted on the about page.

It’s only a little different, but I like it!

Here’s another one I made for fun. I can do a lot with this logo!


Looks very… surreal.


Again, I have been enjoying writing this blog and am excited to have reached 100 posts. I have a fairly high average number of hits a day (especially given the sparse comments), around 100 a day (not counting myself of course), and over 320 unique visitors to the site, including a somewhat large handful of people I have tracked as regular visitors. All things considered, that’s not too bad for four months of a blog, having spent zero in google AdWords and not being someone famous.


Happy 100th post, Projection On Paper!

Wells Fargo Still Hates Planets, but my Card was Approved

Hurray! After one /sad email and another submit of my own logo, I got that card approved with the Projection On Paper logo/favicon on it.

They claimed it was copyright reasons that I had it rejected the first time. I doubt they actually found my blog; they probably just thought he must have stolen the picture because it looks so awesome.

Wells Fargo Hates Planets

It’s true. I heard that I could customize my new card from Wells Fargo, so I figured I would use my personal logo; the one in this website’s favicon with the big orange sun and the bright little blue planet.

I got an email at 3 A.M (I am hoping for their sake though that it was a better hour where they were) saying my image has been rejected.

I went down the list. Offensive, no. Obviously, having created the image myself, I own the rights. No dead animals. Not a flag. Not political or religious (discounting a few odd blue-planet sects here and there, but that was not why I made the planet blue), not representing money.

This leaves only one possibility. Wells Fargo hates planets.

Projection On Paper

Tuesday for my astronomy class I will be “sun gazing”, a process which involves projecting the sun onto paper. When you google “projection on paper” you get some astronomy stuff on occasion (along with me on the second page, now that all the art supply stores bought their spots back on google).

I am going to try and take a picture for the heck of it.

Remember: art is projecting on paper. We have an infinite canvas on which to create.

Crazy Patterns and Trippy Colors

I wanted to take a bit to share how the background of this site was made. It is a piece I have received comments about how complex or difficult it must have been. It is simpler than it appears. I made this one just yesterday.

Quick to create

Lots of pictures, so hit continue reading to see how I started the site background and how I made the above picture. I don’t want to flood the homepage with too many images or it will load slower.

Continue reading