100th Post!

This is my 100th Projection On Paper blog post published! Over the last four months I have updated Projections On Paper at least once every two days with short stories, spontaneous rants (many of which I have received great feedback on), poems, video photography in the form of “Life Captures“, a small handful of more personal posts (I have sworn off of caffeinated beverages after that hospital trip…) and more. I have no intention of slowing down anytime soon, because, and I have said this before and I will again, a world in motion stays in motion. You can either keep running or let it leave you behind.

I wanted to do something special for this post. At first I wanted to update my favicon with an updated logo. After toying around with it, I decided against updating the favicon; the words would not show up well. However, I have decided to make the below the new official logo of ProjectionOnPaper.com. It will be posted on the about page.

It’s only a little different, but I like it!

Here’s another one I made for fun. I can do a lot with this logo!


Looks very… surreal.


Again, I have been enjoying writing this blog and am excited to have reached 100 posts. I have a fairly high average number of hits a day (especially given the sparse comments), around 100 a day (not counting myself of course), and over 320 unique visitors to the site, including a somewhat large handful of people I have tracked as regular visitors. All things considered, that’s not too bad for four months of a blog, having spent zero in google AdWords and not being someone famous.


Happy 100th post, Projection On Paper!