Artix Entertainment

Back from an amazing trip. I knocked off my article for the paper this morning and started and finished my 5 page English paper in a couple hours, giving me most of my break now to just write! Wait, I was already doing that…

Artix Entertainment is an amazing company. I have been a fan of their games since 2004.* In that time, they have become (in my opinion), the most outstanding game company in the world. Through a crazy cause and effect chain** too long to discuss here, I got to meet my heroes.***

It is often the case that when meeting heroes, we are let down. This was not the case here. These people are amazing and from seeing the office, they are an amazing company to work for.****

I got to see how the games are made and how they all operate. I didn’t really know what to expect, but I expected epic.***** I was most impressed by how organized they are and how well they stick to their launch schedule.

Meeting the teams behind each of the outstanding browser-based games was a lot of fun. Hopefully, I will have the amazing opportunity again.


*In true AE spirit, there will be asterisks in this post.

**First, I stepped on a butterfly. Then it got up, grew arms and attacked me!

***And their weapons!

****The clowns drain your health budget pretty fast though.

*****I even got to work on the servers!